Portal 2
Level Design
Objectif de Design
Create 3 level based on a patern not present in the original game, for a post game experience.
1 Learn, 1 Practice, 1 Master
Use the blue liquide, a cube, and a pressur plate to create and basket dunk like experience.
Make the player use a long jump with the blue liquide
1 Learn
Objectif : making a good situation where the player must apprehend the patern in the best condition
Prerequisite : Master all bases mechanics and blue liquid
1st part : A Safe zone the allow the player to have a look on all level component, the main mechanism and objective.
A hint is placed at the true entrance of the Challenge environment : blue liquid that will make it jump at the right high for acces to the Pressure
Placement of the light to attract the eye of the player at important spot : the Box, the blue liquide, the pressure plate, and the Wall
Same patern, but with an Fail condition around the Pressure plate.
The Player must understand that just after successfully "dunked" the box, he must bounce against the pillar with blue liquid
The player has less hint, and the challenge for the exit is harder, with a Fail condition
This part has more hint than the Learn, but the player need to perfom a more jump.
In this level, the intent is to give the player a good speed feeling and make him feeling good at successefully reach the last platform.
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